Elementary Art Teachers…

…make this the year you enrich student experience with centers!

Using centers in your art room will add student choice, increase engagement and decrease your daily overwhelm.


Let me guess… you’re struggling to keep your kids’ attention in class. So much of your time is spent managing off-task behavior and catching up absent students. They love art but the way you’ve been teaching just isn’t working anymore. Plus, you know the kids deserve more choice in their art-making but you’re not sure if they (and you) are ready for it. And you don’t even know where you would begin.

There’s an easier way.

Your classes will be more attentive and engaged. You’ll leave school more energized and confident than ever before. To make this happen, you need a way to add choice and purposeful play alongside your existing lessons without uprooting your entire teaching philosophy.


In this workshop, you’ll uncover purpose, create a plan, and implement centers that increase student engagement and decrease overwhelm all aligned with how YOU teach.

I’ll walk you through my Centered Art Room Framework. This isn’t just about setting up stations. We’ll design intentionally to move the needle in the areas you and your students need the most. All while creating artwork from your existing curriculum.


My name is Jess Karr and I’m an art advocate and teacher for 14 years in grades K-12. Art teachers are often over-scheduled and under-supported. That’s why I believe in giving you support you need so you can give your students the art experience they deserve. I have used centers to enrich student experience for over 4 years. I’ve experienced how much ease and excitement it can bring to even the most challenging classes. I want to help others uncover the magic of centers, too.

Here’s a peek at the workshop modules…

-What are centers?

-Understanding purpose and priorities

-Creating an aligned goal

-Discovering what is possible

-Materials, set-up and differentiation

-Designing your lesson step-by-step

-Practice lesson and strategies.

-Reflect, Revise, Revisit


To help you get started on your journey you’ll also get access to lesson plans and a materials and ideas list.

Once you’re inside, you’ll watch the intro video and download your workbook. The lessons are on demand and you’ll have my support along the way if needed.

$57 will get you…

-60 minutes of video lessons 


-sample lessons

-materials and ideas list

-instructor support

-certificate of completion

I know you might be wondering how you’ll be able to add one more thing to your to-do list. But using centers will make your day-to-day run more smoothly so you can spend more time creating and less time stressing.